Ormond Beach TLSAE Class
- Permit Prep Course & Permit Exam in One Place
- Ormond Beach, Florida Online DATA Course
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Proof of completion
After you complete the Low Priced Drug Alcohol Traffic Awareness Course, we will mail you a Certificate of Completion to your Ormond Beach address. This certificate is strictly for your personal records and does not need to be given to the DHSMV. We will automatically notify your Volusia County DHSMV of your results.
What You Will Need To Get Your Ormond Beach Learner's Permit:
- Are you at least 15 years of age?
- Completed your Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education Course?
- Then simply, provide proof of identification, proof of date of birth, proof of residential address, and proof of social security number, as well as parental consent form if under 18
- Complete your written permit exam
- Pass a vision and hearing test
- Then, take your picture!
DATA Course Breakdown
Take your Ormond Beach permit exam with DriversEdDirect.com behind you! Our 4-hour Low Priced D.A.T.A. course will not only prepare you for the exam, but it will leave you with pertinent and long-lasting information as you begin your journey as a first time driver. With 7 sections of reading material, short quizzes and a final exam, you'll learn what your responsibilities are as a driver, increased knowledge of drugs and alcohol abuse, safety driving techniques, Volusia County rules, regulations and so much more.

DHSMV Authorized TLSAE Course and Exam
Our courses are 100% in compliance with both the state of Florida and the Volusia County Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles. Both the Traffic Law & Substance Abuse Education Course and the Online Written Exam fully meet all standards with the state.
DATA. What's That?
DATA is short for Drug Alcohol Traffic Awareness. It is the First Time Driver's course required by your Volusia County DHSMV in order to obtain your driver's license. From this course, your knowledge of Palatka, Winter Springs, Port Orange, Longwood, and Lake Mary road will grow with awareness to key subjects, such as alcohol, drugs, safety driving techniques, laws and so much more.
First Time Driver Program For Ormond Beach Residents
Enroll in the DriversEdDirect.com four-hour class from the privacy of your own Ormond Beach home and complete it at your convenience. This Low Priced course will allow you to learn about how alcohol and other drugs affect your ability to drive, FL laws and responsibilities, safe driving techniques, and how to increase your awareness on Volusia County roadways. This is the perfect D.A.T.A. course for teens attending Calvary Children's Center, Ormond Beach Christian Academy, Riverbend Academy, and Calvary Christian Academy. After completing the online course, you will be prepared to take your FL drivers license written exam online or at your local Florida DHSMV office, serving the cities of Palatka, Winter Springs, Port Orange, Longwood, and Lake Mary.
More Services For Volusia County Drivers
A one stop shop for all your driving questions and needs. With a cache of programs, services and information offered to Palatka, Winter Springs, Port Orange, Longwood, and Lake Mary, it's no wonder why DriversEdDirect.com and our partner TrafficSchool.com are the leading Low Priced education site in Volusia County, Florida.
Required Car Premium For Volusia County Drivers
To register a vehicle with 4 or more wheels in Volusia County you must have the minimum auto insurance coverage of $10,000 personal injury protection, or PIP, and $10,000 property damage liability, or PDL. Minimum insurance coverage for Palatka, Winter Springs, Port Orange, Longwood, and Lake Mary must be provided by an insurance company licensed by the Florida Department of Financial Services. PIP/PDL insurance is required as long as your vehicle is licensed and registered with the state of Florida.
Moving Violations & The Effect They Have On Your Volusia County Insurance Rate
Don't let moving violations damage your Volusia County Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles driving record! Our Low Priced Basic Driver Improvement course can help with ticket dismissal so that you won't reap the consequences points can have, like an increase in insurance premium rates or cancellation, suspension of your Ormond Beach driver's license, as well as a fast-track to a poor driving history. Let our traffic school, which is specifically geared towards Palatka, Winter Springs, Port Orange, Longwood, and Lake Mary work for you!