DeBary TLSAE Class
- Low Cost DeBary TLSAE Program
- Access Course 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week
- Never Leave Your Volusia County Home
- FL DHSMV Authorized Permit Exam Also Available

Volusia County Written Exam Prep!
What sets our Pain Free Driver License Test Prep Course apart from all the others is simple: We've designed it with DeBary first time drivers, such as yourself in mind. Meaning, we understand that taking your permit exam can be quite worrisome for new drivers, so we have carefully constructed this course, covering everything you need to know in order to pass your written exam with ease!
Never Heard of the D.A.T.A. Program?
DATA stands for Drug Alcohol Traffic Awareness. Maybe at Atlantic High School, Deland High School, Deltona High School, Mainland High School, New Smyrna Beach High School, Pine Ridge High School, Seabreeze Senior High School, Spruce Creek High School, and T. Dewitt Taylor Middle-High you've heard it called the drug and alcohol course, or maybe the first time driver course, or permit course. Technically, it's the Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education course or TLSAE. What you call it isn't important. All you need to know is you'll learn Volusia County traffic laws and your driving responsibilities, driving techniques and how drugs and alcohol affect your ability to drive.
Who Needs to Take a TLSAE course?
Are you a first time driver and looking to receive your DeBary driver's license but don't know where to begin? Well you've come to the right place. Our Pain Free Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education program is a required course, regardless of age, mandated by the Volusia County DHSMV that must be completed by all first time drivers before taking the DHSMV written exam.

What Does a Drug and Alcohol Course Involve?
A 4-hour course consisting of reading material, short quizzes, and a final exam. Our Pain Free program was designed especially for first time drivers residing in Fern Park, Forest City, Maitland, Goldenrod, and Winter Springs needing to fulfill a D.A.T.A. course. You'll learn proper safety driving techniques, Volusia County rules and regulations, drug and alcohol awareness and so much more within the 7 sections of reading material this program offers.
100% Online Volusia County DATA Program
Enrolling in this Pain Free DATA course has never been so easy. Simply follow the registration process online. Access all of your course material online. Even take your learner's permit got it, ONLINE! Never leaving the comfort of your DeBary home or office. The only thing left to do, is to visit your Volusia County DHSMV to apply for your permit, as well as take your hearing and vision test.
DHSMV Authorized TLSAE Course and Exam
The First Time Driver Online Program and the Volusia County Online Driver License Exam are both acknowledged and approved by the state of Florida, as well as by the Florida Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicle.
How a Traffic Ticket Affects Your DeBary Insurance Rate
Don't let moving violations damage your Volusia County Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles driving record! Our Pain Free Basic Driver Improvement course can help with ticket dismissal so that you won't reap the consequences points can have, like an increase in insurance premium rates or cancellation, suspension of your DeBary driver's license, as well as a fast-track to a poor driving history. Let our traffic school, which is specifically geared towards Fern Park, Forest City, Maitland, Goldenrod, and Winter Springs work for you!
Car Insurance Requirements For DeBary, FL
$10,000 personal injury protection and $10,000 property damage liability is the basic minimum insurance coverage that any vehicle registered in Volusia County must have before the vehicle is legally able to be driven on any road. This coverage must be provided by an insurance company licensed by the state of Florida who services Fern Park, Forest City, Maitland, Goldenrod, and Winter Springs. Failure to carry the minimum car insurance can lead to severe consequences.