Fort Pierce TLSAE Program
- Straightforward, Easy to Follow Course Material
- Our Drug and Alcohol Course At Your Leisure
- Course Completion Automatically Reported
- Fort Pierce Course Entirely Online

A Simple D.A.T.A. Course For Fort Pierce Residents
Enrolling in this Simple DATA course has never been so easy. Simply follow the registration process online. Access all of your course material online. Even take your learner's permit got it, ONLINE! Never leaving the comfort of your Fort Pierce home or office. The only thing left to do, is to visit your St. Lucie County DHSMV to apply for your permit, as well as take your hearing and vision test.
Fully Approved by the Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicle
Our Simple course and exam meet the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles standards. Both our First Time Driver Internet Class and Florida Online Driver License Knowledge Exam are authorized by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV or DMV) to fulfill the requirements needed for your first St. Lucie County Florida learner's permit.
Preparation at Best!
Trouble studying for your St. Lucie County written exam? Let us help! Study with an exam preparation course written by a former DHSMV Examiner. Yes, you've read correctly! Our material was created through experience. We also provide practice DHSMV exams for your convenience. Our Simple Driver License Prep Course will without a doubt leave you prepared for your permit written exam or any other DHSMV test necessary to get your license.

Fort Pierce Simple D.A.T.A. Program
For teens attending Lincoln Park Academy, Fort Pierce Central High School, Fort Pierce Westwood High School, Performance Based Diploma Program, Delaware Avenue School, Dale Cassens Educational Complex, Faith Baptist School, Palm Vista Christian School, John Carroll High School, Bible Baptist Church and School, Bethany School, Park Centre Academy, Orange Avenue Baptist School, St. James Academy, and Liberty Baptist Academy, or first time drivers residing in Palm City, Florida Ridge, Port Saint Lucie, Melbourne, and Hobe Sound, our Simple 4-hour D.A.T.A. course is perfect for you! Learn how to drive from the comfort of your Fort Pierce home. Discover pre-existent and new Florida laws. Increase your drug and alcohol awareness and how it affects you as a driver, and so much more.'s First Time Driver Course is convenient, hassle-free, but most importantly, informational and will leave you ready and prepared to take your St. Lucie County driver's license written exam in no time. So enroll today!
DATA Course Breakdown
Take your Fort Pierce permit exam with behind you! Our 4-hour Simple D.A.T.A. course will not only prepare you for the exam, but it will leave you with pertinent and long-lasting information as you begin your journey as a first time driver. With 7 sections of reading material, short quizzes and a final exam, you'll learn what your responsibilities are as a driver, increased knowledge of drugs and alcohol abuse, safety driving techniques, St. Lucie County rules, regulations and so much more.
Completed the Course. Now What?
Once you complete the Simple D.A.T.A. course you are one step closer to getting your license. We will notify your St. Lucie County DHSMV of your completion and send you a copy to the Fort Pierce address on file for your personal records.
Car Insurance Necessary For Fort Pierce Residents
To register a vehicle with 4 or more wheels in St. Lucie County you must have the minimum auto insurance coverage of $10,000 personal injury protection, or PIP, and $10,000 property damage liability, or PDL. Minimum insurance coverage for Palm City, Florida Ridge, Port Saint Lucie, Melbourne, and Hobe Sound must be provided by an insurance company licensed by the Florida Department of Financial Services. PIP/PDL insurance is required as long as your vehicle is licensed and registered with the state of Florida.
Ways a Traffic Citation Can Affect Your St. Lucie County Premium Rate
With our Simple Driver Improvement course, eligible drivers residing in Palm City, Florida Ridge, Port Saint Lucie, Melbourne, and Hobe Sound can enroll in this program, which will help dismiss a moving violation that you may have received in St. Lucie County, Florida. Moving violations not only adds points to your driving record, but it can seriously affect your car insurance, whether it be the cost or the termination of insurance altogether. Without insurance, your Fort Pierce driver's license can be suspended and so much more. Don't let a minor moving violation become a major problem in your life.
Extra Services For Fort Pierce Drivers
There's so much more to than just being the Simple leading school in driver's education. We offer a wide variety of programs for Palm City, Florida Ridge, Port Saint Lucie, Melbourne, and Hobe Sound. We have something for everyone, whether it's last minute studying, research or learning how to park. We even have a section for the car enthusiast! Check and our sister company out!