North Port Driver's Ed
- Perfect Fit For Your Schedule
- North Port, Florida Approved
- Completion Sent to Sarasota County DMV
- All You Need is Internet Access

Do You Need To Take A TLSAE Course?
The Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education course is a Sarasota County Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles requirement for anyone without a regular driver's license looking to obtain one. This course is a prerequisite to the actual North Port driver's license written exam.
Proof: Certificate of Completion
Complete your Cheap D.A.T.A. course. Receive your Certificate of Completion copy, which will be mailed to the North Port address on file. Your Sarasota County DHSMV will be automatically notified that you passed your course.
Get Your North Port, Florida Learner's Permit Today!
- Be at least 15 years of age
- Complete the D.A.T.A. (Drug Alcohol Traffic Awareness) course
- Furnish parental consent form if under 18
- Present required documents for proof of identification, proof of date of birth, proof of residential address, and proof of social security number
- Complete your permit exam, if you have not already taken it online
- Give a thumb print and get your picture taken

So What Exactly Is DATA?
Maybe you've heard it called the Drug Alcohol Traffic Awareness program, or perhaps even referred to as the Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education course, however what you call it isn't the important part. Vast knowledge awaits in this Sarasota County approved course which will educate first time driver's on their responsibilities as a licensed driver, safety driving techniques, alcohol and drug awareness, among other topics you'll need to know in order to prepare for your Englewood, Punta Gorda, Fruitville, Bayshore Gardens, Laurel, and Sarasota, Florida DHSMV driver's license written exam.
100% Approval from the Sarasota County DHSMV
The First Time Driver Online Program and the Sarasota County Online Driver License Exam are both acknowledged and approved by the state of Florida, as well as by the Florida Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicle.
All You Need to Know Before Taking Your North Port, FL Permit Test
Our Cheap Driver License Prep Course is the only way to prepare for your DHSMV permit test. This course was specifically designed for first time drivers residing in Sarasota County Florida who need to pass the written exam with ease. We provide a detailed and structured course covering everything you need to know.
Extra Services For North Port Drivers
No wonder why we're the leading driver's education site in Sarasota County. We don't stop at just the education, our Cheap services and programs extend further beyond that. Check out what and our affiliate can do for you!
Fearful that a traffic ticket may ruin your Sarasota County driving record? It very well could unless you do something about it. The results from receiving a moving violation can vary, but most include some kind of reflection on your DHSMV driving record. This is usually in the form of points. Negative points on your record can affect your car insurance, and possibly the suspension of your North Port driver's license. Let our Cheap traffic school help you dismiss those pesky points.
Stay Legal With The Proper North Port Automobile Insurance
$10,000 personal injury protection and $10,000 property damage liability is the basic minimum insurance coverage that any vehicle registered in Sarasota County must have before the vehicle is legally able to be driven on any road. This coverage must be provided by an insurance company licensed by the state of Florida who services Englewood, Punta Gorda, Fruitville, Bayshore Gardens, Laurel, and Sarasota. Failure to carry the minimum car insurance can lead to severe consequences.