Pain Free Drivers Ed in Florida
- Meet Your FL Learner's Permit Requirement!
- Proof of Completion Supplied to the FL DMV
- Perfect Fit For Your Schedule
- Complete Your DATA Requirement Fully Online

Your Learner's Permit & The Necessary Steps It Takes To Get One
- Successfully complete your Florida Approved D.A.T.A. Course
- Take the DHSMV written exam
- Must be 15 years of age, and provide the parental consent form if under 18
- Show proof of identification, proof of date of birth, proof of residential address, and proof of social security number
- Thumb print and take your picture
- Pass a vision and hearing test
Florida Course For First Time Drivers (D.A.T.A.)
A four-hour D.A.T.A. course, fully approved and acknowledge by the Haines City DMV from the comfort of your own home? Sounds too good to be true? Well, we promise's all true! Enroll now in's Drug Alcohol Traffic Awareness program and satisfy all of your First Time Driver course requirements without ever leaving your home or office. It's the perfect program for teens attending Haines City Senior High School, Landmark Christian School, Palmer Academy, and Northridge Christian Academy, or anyone residing in Polk County, Florida looking to obtain their driver's license. Increase your knowledge on the rules of the road, state laws and safe driving techniques. Upon completing this Pain Free course you will be well prepare to take your driver's license written exam.
Certificate Of Completion
Simply complete your Pain Free DATA course and leave the rest to us! We will notify the Polk County Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles of your completion so that you won't have to. We will also send you confirmation of your completion via certificate to your Haines City address.

100% Polk County Drivers Education Course
Register online from your Haines City home or office. Access all course material from your Haines City home or office. Then, take your permit exam from your Haines City home or office. See the trend here? Our Pain Free First Time Drivers Course was specifically designed for Polk County residents whose busy schedules keep them on the go. You can complete our Pain Free program anytime and anywhere there is internet capabilities. Don't let your schedule keep you from getting your learner's permit. Enroll now!
Polk County TLSAE Summary
Our 4 hour Pain Free DATA course consists of 7 sections of material covering such topics as how alcohol and other drugs affect your ability to drive, laws and responsibilities, safe driving techniques, and how to increase your awareness on our roadways. Read through the section material. Answer short quizzes about what you just read. Then take the final exam. Now you're ready to take your Haines City permit test.
Succeed with Us!
Teens attending Haines City Senior High School, Landmark Christian School, Palmer Academy, and Northridge Christian Academy are preparing themselves for the road with the best Driver License Test Preparation Course in all of Polk County Florida. Our Pain Free course is simple enough to understand, yet thorough and challenging enough to prepare you for the actual test. Our success rate has proven to be one of the highest. So, it only makes sense to prepare with us!
Additional Haines City Traffic Safety Products
We've got your Pain Free Driver's Education covered, now check out the additional services we have to offer Polk County residents such as yourself. Need extra practice time parking? No problem. Perhaps you're looking for additional services for your vehicle. We've got that covered too! Get everything you need with and our affiliate
Car Insurance Requirements For Haines City, FL
Failure to carry the proper automobile insurance can lead to severe consequences, including damage caused to your Polk County DHSMV record. So make sure you are covered, even if it is the basic minimum amount, which for Haines City drivers consists of $10,000 personal injury protection and $10,000 property damage liability. This coverage must be obtained through an insurance company licensed by the Florida Department of Financial Services.
Receiving a moving violation in Polk County will cause points to be assessed to your Florida driving record. As a result, your insurance premiums may go up, or your coverage could be canceled altogether. Without PIP/PDL insurance coverage, the FL DHSMV can suspend your driving privileges. To keep those points off your record and your license intact, eligible drivers can take a traffic school course approved for Winter Garden, Pine Castle. Oak Ridge, and Winston. Also, some insurance companies will offer a discount to drivers that attend a Pain Free Driver Improvement or Mature Driver course.