Safety Harbor Drivers Ed in Florida
- Fulfill Your Safety Harbor TLSAE Course
- Ease & Flexibility at Your Fingertips
- Course Completion Automatically Reported
- Take Your Safety Harbor TLSAE Lessons From Home

What is D.A.T.A.?
The perfect first time driver's course in all of Pinellas County. D.A.T.A., also known as the Drug Alcohol Traffic Awareness program is a 4-hour program dedicated to educating Safety Harbor drivers such as yourself on the rules of the road and all that is necessary to becoming not only a safe, but overall great driver. The best preparation for your driver's license written exam!
Online First Time Drivers Course For Residents Of Safety Harbor
Enrolling in this At Home DATA course has never been so easy. Simply follow the registration process online. Access all of your course material online. Even take your learner's permit got it, ONLINE! Never leaving the comfort of your Safety Harbor home or office. The only thing left to do, is to visit your Pinellas County DHSMV to apply for your permit, as well as take your hearing and vision test.
What the DATA Course Entails
Learn proper safety driving techniques, the effects drugs and alcohol can have on your driving abilities, your state laws and regulations, and so much more with the 7 sections of reading material our 4-hour At Home D.A.T.A. course has to offer. Answer short quizzes pertaining to the material you read and then you're ready for the final exam. All you have to do next is head down to your Pinellas County DHSMV and take your Safety Harbor permit exam.

Do You Have To Take Driver's Education?
Are you a first time driver and looking to receive your Safety Harbor driver's license but don't know where to begin? Well you've come to the right place. Our At Home Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education program is a required course, regardless of age, mandated by the Pinellas County DHSMV that must be completed by all first time drivers before taking the DHSMV written exam.
#1 TLSAE Course: Pinellas County DHSMV & Florida Approved!
Not only do we provide you with the best TLSAE program that Safety Harbor has to offer, but our Online First Time Driver Course, as well as the Driver's License Written Exam that we include for your convenience, are both fully acknowledged and approved by the Pinellas County DHSMV.
Preparation at Best!
Trouble studying for your Pinellas County written exam? Let us help! Study with an exam preparation course written by a former DHSMV Examiner. Yes, you've read correctly! Our material was created through experience. We also provide practice DHSMV exams for your convenience. Our At Home Driver License Prep Course will without a doubt leave you prepared for your permit written exam or any other DHSMV test necessary to get your license.
Automobile Insurance Requirements For Pinellas County
To register a vehicle with 4 or more wheels in Pinellas County you must have the minimum auto insurance coverage of $10,000 personal injury protection, or PIP, and $10,000 property damage liability, or PDL. Minimum insurance coverage for Saint Petersburg, Tampa, Palm Harbor, and Clearwater must be provided by an insurance company licensed by the Florida Department of Financial Services. PIP/PDL insurance is required as long as your vehicle is licensed and registered with the state of Florida.
How a Traffic Ticket Affects Your Safety Harbor Insurance Rate
Traffic tickets can seriously hurt your driving privileges. For instance, a moving violation in Pinellas County can affect your DHSMV driving record by the negative points you will accrue. Negative points on your record could lead to more expensive insurance coverage rates or none at all. Without at the very minimum, the basic personal injury protection and property damage liability insurance coverage, your Safety Harbor license could be suspended. However, eligible drivers are offered the opportunity to take our At Home traffic school that is approved for Saint Petersburg, Tampa, Palm Harbor, and Clearwater, which will dismiss points off your driving record.