Dunedin DATA Course
- Friendly, Capable Customer Service
- Self-Paced & Flexible TLSAE for Pinellas County
- Get Your First Dunedin, FL Driver's License
- Pinellas County Internet Drug and Alcohol Course

Effortless D.A.T.A. Course For Dunedin Teens
A four-hour D.A.T.A. course, fully approved and acknowledge by the Dunedin DMV from the comfort of your own home? Sounds too good to be true? Well, we promise you...it's all true! Enroll now in DriversEdDirect.com's Drug Alcohol Traffic Awareness program and satisfy all of your First Time Driver course requirements without ever leaving your home or office. It's the perfect program for teens attending Dunedin High School, Anchor Academy, and Cornerstone Christian School, or anyone residing in Pinellas County, Florida looking to obtain their driver's license. Increase your knowledge on the rules of the road, state laws and safe driving techniques. Upon completing this Effortless course you will be well prepare to take your driver's license written exam.
Get Your Florida Learner's Permit In A Few Easy Steps
- Are you at least 15 years of age?
- Completed your Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education Course?
- Then simply, provide proof of identification, proof of date of birth, proof of residential address, and proof of social security number, as well as parental consent form if under 18
- Complete your written permit exam
- Pass a vision and hearing test
- Then, take your picture!
100% Approval from the Pinellas County DHSMV
Our courses are 100% in compliance with both the state of Florida and the Pinellas County Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles. Both the Traffic Law & Substance Abuse Education Course and the Online Written Exam fully meet all standards with the state.

What is D.A.T.A.?
DATA is short for Drug Alcohol Traffic Awareness. It is the First Time Driver's course required by your Pinellas County DHSMV in order to obtain your driver's license. From this course, your knowledge of Citrus Park, New Port Richey, Elfers, East Lake, and Pinellas Park road will grow with awareness to key subjects, such as alcohol, drugs, safety driving techniques, laws and so much more.
Pinellas County TLSAE Summary
7 sections of reading material covering all aspects of driving, from your Pinellas County rules and regulations, your responsibilities as a Dunedin driver, the effects alcohol and drugs can have on your driving abilities and much more. Simply read through the Effortless course, answer short quizzes, and complete a final at the end.
Prepare Yourself for Your Pinellas County Permit Test
There's nothing like preparing for a big test. The nerves, the worry, and all that comes with. Let us help you relieve some of that stress with our Driver License Test Preparation Course. This Effortless program designed for first time drivers residing in Citrus Park, New Port Richey, Elfers, East Lake, and Pinellas Park consists of valuable reading material, important data and information, and comes with DHSMV practice tests as well. All you need to know is right here.
Dunedin, FL Automobile Premium Requirements
In Pinellas County, Florida, all registered vehicles must be insured by an insurance company licensed by the Florida Department of Financial Services. The minimum insurance coverage for Dunedin is $10,000 personal injury protection and $10,000 property damage liability. Without a basic coverage plan, the vehicle is considered illegal to be driven on the road.
Letting negative points build up can cause much harm to your Pinellas County DHSMV driving record, which could lead to increased premium rates, or none at all. It could also lead to the suspension of your Dunedin driver's license. Don't let this happen to you. Enroll in our Effortless traffic school and improve your record in the process. Also, some insurers will allow drivers with negative points to attend a Driver Improvement or Mature Driver course, which TrafficSchool.com offers, to help keep insurance premiums low.
Dunedin Driving Programs & More!
A one stop shop for all your driving questions and needs. With a cache of programs, services and information offered to Citrus Park, New Port Richey, Elfers, East Lake, and Pinellas Park, it's no wonder why DriversEdDirect.com and our partner TrafficSchool.com are the leading Effortless education site in Pinellas County, Florida.