Low Priced Drivers Ed in Florida
- Take the Low Priced Class at Your Own Rate
- On-Line Program for Florida First Time Drivers
- Course Completion Automatically Reported
- Permit Prep Course & Permit Exam in One Place

What Does a Drug and Alcohol Course Involve?
Our 4 hour Low Priced DATA course consists of 7 sections of material covering such topics as how alcohol and other drugs affect your ability to drive, laws and responsibilities, safe driving techniques, and how to increase your awareness on our roadways. Read through the section material. Answer short quizzes about what you just read. Then take the final exam. Now you're ready to take your St. Cloud permit test.
DATA is short for Drug Alcohol Traffic Awareness. It is the First Time Driver's course required by your Osceola County DHSMV in order to obtain your driver's license. From this course, your knowledge of Kissimmee, Pine Castle, Conway, Doctor Phillips, Orlando, Haines City, and Maitland road will grow with awareness to key subjects, such as alcohol, drugs, safety driving techniques, laws and so much more.
The Proof Is Here!
What happens after I complete the DATA course? Your information will automatically be reported to the DMV. You will receive a copy of your completion certificate for your own records but you do not need to bring this with you to the DMV.

Never Had A License? Then You Need TLSAE
Do you want the luxury of driving around St. Cloud but don't have a driver's license? When you enroll in our Low Priced first time driver's course, also known as the Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education program, you are fulfilling the necessary steps needed to getting on the road. Regardless of age, this course is required by the Osceola County DHSMV.
Osceola County Florida D.A.T.A. Course
DriversEdDirect.com introduces a 4-hour Florida state approved First Time Driver's course for anyone looking to fulfill the requirements necessary to obtain your Florida's driver's license. We provide convenience. Our Low Priced First Time Driver's course, also referred to as the D.A.T.A. program can be completed anywhere there is internet access, which means never leaving your St. Cloud home or office for class...ever! 100% online. Teens attending St. Cloud High School, St. Thomas Aquinas School, and Harmony High School are finding this course extremely helpful, but more importantly, educational as you'll learn that there's more involved to becoming a great driver, such as, rules, regulations, alcohol awareness and so much more. The D.A.T.A. program will leaved you well-prepared to take your Osceola County written exam!
Preparation at Best!
Trouble studying for your Osceola County written exam? Let us help! Study with an exam preparation course written by a former DHSMV Examiner. Yes, you've read correctly! Our material was created through experience. We also provide practice DHSMV exams for your convenience. Our Low Priced Driver License Prep Course will without a doubt leave you prepared for your permit written exam or any other DHSMV test necessary to get your license.
Dismiss Those Pesky St. Cloud Traffic Tickets
For over 15 years, TrafficSchool.com has proved to be Florida's #1 Low Priced traffic school. We understand how traffic citations can eventually damage your driving record, so we've designed a course specifically for St. Cloud drivers to take that will lead to the dismissal of that ticket and a much more improved Osceola County DHSMV driving record.
- Fleet Corporate Driver Safety for St. Cloud
- St. Cloud, Florida Traffic School
- Mature Driver Classes in Osceola County
Car Insurance Requirements For St. Cloud, FL
Failure to carry the proper automobile insurance can lead to severe consequences, including damage caused to your Osceola County DHSMV record. So make sure you are covered, even if it is the basic minimum amount, which for St. Cloud drivers consists of $10,000 personal injury protection and $10,000 property damage liability. This coverage must be obtained through an insurance company licensed by the Florida Department of Financial Services.
Traffic Tickets Can Be The Reason Your St. Cloud Insurance Rate Goes Up
Did you know that a moving violation could terminate your automobile insurance? Failure to carry the minimum amount of personal injury protection and property damage liability could lead to the suspension of your St. Cloud driver's license, which can seriously affect your Osceola County DHSMV driving record. Attending traffic school can help and we just so happen to be the best! Our Low Priced Driver Improvement program was designed specifically for Kissimmee, Pine Castle, Conway, Doctor Phillips, Orlando, Haines City, and Maitland drivers who need to dismiss negative points from their driving history.