Ocoee Driver's Ed
- Self-Paced & Flexible TLSAE for Orange County
- Fully Approved Web-based Program Online
- Meet Your FL Learner's Permit Requirement!
- Low Cost Ocoee TLSAE Program

A Simple D.A.T.A. Course For Ocoee Residents
With this Simple D.A.T.A. course, not only can you register online, complete all course material online, but we have even made it so that you can actually take your learner's permit exam online too! This means that the only time you'll ever have to leave the comfort of your Ocoee home or office is when you are ready to head down to your Orange County DHSMV to apply for your learner's permit and take your hearing and vision test.
What Is DATA?
DATA, also known as the Drug Alcohol Traffic Awareness course, which was designed to teach students attending Ocoee High School, and Victory Christian Academy all they need to know to become a safe driver by educating them on driving techniques, safety rules, Orange County laws and regulations, as well as the effects drugs and alcohol could have on their ability to drive.
Drug and Alcohol Program Overview
A 4-hour course consisting of reading material, short quizzes, and a final exam. Our Simple program was designed especially for first time drivers residing in Wekiva Springs, Altamonte Springs, Maitland, Lockhart, Orlando, and Pine Hills needing to fulfill a D.A.T.A. course. You'll learn proper safety driving techniques, Orange County rules and regulations, drug and alcohol awareness and so much more within the 7 sections of reading material this program offers.

What do you need to get a learner's permit in the state of Florida?
- Successfully complete your Florida Approved D.A.T.A. Course
- Take the DHSMV written exam
- Must be 15 years of age, and provide the parental consent form if under 18
- Show proof of identification, proof of date of birth, proof of residential address, and proof of social security number
- Thumb print and take your picture
- Pass a vision and hearing test
Fulfilling Your Driver's Ed Course
Before taking the actual Florida driver's license written exam, Ocoee High School, and Victory Christian Academy students must complete a first time drivers course, also known as the Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education program. This course is a must for all new drivers in Wekiva Springs, Altamonte Springs, Maitland, Lockhart, Orlando, and Pine Hills looking to obtain a regular license.
We've Got Your Proof!
What happens after I complete the DATA course? Your information will automatically be reported to the DMV. You will receive a copy of your completion certificate for your own records but you do not need to bring this with you to the DMV.
Traffic Tickets Can Determine The Cost of Your Ocoee Insurance Rate
Moving violations result in points. Points result in increased automobile premium rates, or termination. No insurance results in a possible license suspension. No license results in no driving. Don't become a victim! When you attend our Simple traffic school, we will help Ocoee drivers, such as yourself who have received a traffic ticket in Orange County dismiss the points from their DHSMV driving record. Some insurance companies may even grant you a generous discount off your current insurance rate when you successfully complete our Simple program.
Remove Those Ocoee Traffic Citations
TrafficSchool.com is more than just another traffic school. Our convenient course is completed 100% online for any motorist residing in Ocoee who has received a traffic citation in any of the surrounding areas such as Wekiva Springs, Altamonte Springs, Maitland, Lockhart, Orlando, and Pine Hills. Not only will the completion of our Simple course dismiss your traffic ticket, but it will also improve your Orange County DHSMV driving record.
- Defensive Driving School for Ocoee Drivers
- Traffic School for Ocoee Drivers
- How Traffic School works in Orange County
Are You Properly Insured for Orange County?
Failure to carry the proper automobile insurance can lead to severe consequences, including damage caused to your Orange County DHSMV record. So make sure you are covered, even if it is the basic minimum amount, which for Ocoee drivers consists of $10,000 personal injury protection and $10,000 property damage liability. This coverage must be obtained through an insurance company licensed by the Florida Department of Financial Services.