Quick Drivers Ed in Florida
- Never Leave Your Monroe County Home
- Completion Sent to Monroe County DMV
- Access Course 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week
- Meet Your FL Learner's Permit Requirement!

Monroe County Florida D.A.T.A. Course
Attention Key West residents: Enroll in DriversEdDirect.com's 4-hour D.A.T.A. course and get the most informational and educational First Time Driver's program around. Our Quick course truly is the best way to prepare for your Florida driver's license written exam. This course will teach you all you need to know to be well on your way, navigating the roadways , safely and more aware of your Monroe County laws and responsibilities, making you a much safer and smarter driver. This course is perfect for everyone. Busy schedule? Don't worry! This course is completely 100% online, so you can take your course from the comfort of your own home, anywhere there is internet access. Check it out!
Got D.A.T.A.?
Maybe you've heard it called the Drug Alcohol Traffic Awareness program, or perhaps even referred to as the Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education course, however what you call it isn't the important part. Vast knowledge awaits in this Monroe County approved course which will educate first time driver's on their responsibilities as a licensed driver, safety driving techniques, alcohol and drug awareness, among other topics you'll need to know in order to prepare for your Marathon, Key Largo, Marco Island, Varadero, Richmond West, and Naples, Florida DHSMV driver's license written exam.
Get Your Key West, Florida Learner's Permit Today!
- Be at least 15 years of age
- Complete the D.A.T.A. (Drug Alcohol Traffic Awareness) course
- Furnish parental consent form if under 18
- Present required documents for proof of identification, proof of date of birth, proof of residential address, and proof of social security number
- Complete your permit exam, if you have not already taken it online
- Give a thumb print and get your picture taken

After Completion
Simply complete your Quick DATA course and leave the rest to us! We will notify the Monroe County Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles of your completion so that you won't have to. We will also send you confirmation of your completion via certificate to your Key West address.
DHSMV Authorized TLSAE Course and Exam
In order to fulfill the requirements needed for your first Florida learner's permit, you must complete a course like our Traffic Law & Substance Abuse Education course, which is completed entirely online and approved by the state of Florida and the Monroe County Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles. The Written Exam that we offer to first time drivers in Marathon, Key Largo, Marco Island, Varadero, Richmond West, and Naples is also under the approval of the state.
Looking For A TLSAE Program?
In order to get your driver's license in Monroe County Florida, you must first successfully complete the first time driver's course, also known as the Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education program, or TLSAE.
Monroe County, FL Auto Insurance Requirements
Any vehicle with 4 or more wheels must be registered with the state by law. In order to complete this process, your vehicle must be insured by an insurance provider who is licensed by the Florida Department of Financial Services. The minimum insurance coverage for Monroe County drivers is $10,000 in personal injury protection and $10,000 property damage liability. This is the very basic amount that your vehicle must contain in order to get registered in Key West.
Don't let moving violations damage your Monroe County Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles driving record! Our Quick Basic Driver Improvement course can help with ticket dismissal so that you won't reap the consequences points can have, like an increase in insurance premium rates or cancellation, suspension of your Key West driver's license, as well as a fast-track to a poor driving history. Let our traffic school, which is specifically geared towards Marathon, Key Largo, Marco Island, Varadero, Richmond West, and Naples work for you!
Got A Traffic Citation In Monroe County?
Did you receive a ticket in any of the following cities: Marathon, Key Largo, Marco Island, Varadero, Richmond West, and Naples; and don't know what to do next? Simply enroll in our Quick traffic school program and be well on your way to having that ticket dismissed from your Monroe County DHSMV driving record. Key West motorists have been using our services for over 15 years and have found it to be the #1 trusted traffic school Florida has to offer.