Sunny Isles Beach Drivers Education in FL
- Our Drug and Alcohol Course At Your Leisure
- 100% Online Miami-Dade County TLSAE Course
- FL DHSMV Authorized Permit Exam Also Available
- Friendly, Capable Customer Service

Getting A Learner's Permit in Florida
- You must be at least 15 years old in order to take the Florida Learner's Permit Exam
- Supply proof of completion of the Florida D.A.T.A. course
- Parental consent form must be given to the DHSMV, if under 18
- Present required documents for proof of identification, proof of date of birth, proof of residential address, and proof of social security number
- Complete the 40 question DHSMV permit exam
- Pass a vision and hearing test (must pass with a 20/40 for the vision)
- Provide your thumb print
100% Online Miami-Dade County DATA Program
Enrolling in this Stress Free DATA course has never been so easy. Simply follow the registration process online. Access all of your course material online. Even take your learner's permit got it, ONLINE! Never leaving the comfort of your Sunny Isles Beach home or office. The only thing left to do, is to visit your Miami-Dade County DHSMV to apply for your permit, as well as take your hearing and vision test.
TLSAE Approved by the State of Florida
The First Time Driver Online Program and the Miami-Dade County Online Driver License Exam are both acknowledged and approved by the state of Florida, as well as by the Florida Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicle.

Drug and Alcohol Program Overview
Learn proper safety driving techniques, the effects drugs and alcohol can have on your driving abilities, your state laws and regulations, and so much more with the 7 sections of reading material our 4-hour Stress Free D.A.T.A. course has to offer. Answer short quizzes pertaining to the material you read and then you're ready for the final exam. All you have to do next is head down to your Miami-Dade County DHSMV and take your Sunny Isles Beach permit exam.
Stress Free Florida First Time Driver Course: Enroll Today!
For teens attending Philosophical and Spiritual University, or first time drivers residing in Golden Glades, Aventura, Pembroke Pines, and Miami Shores, our Stress Free 4-hour D.A.T.A. course is perfect for you! Learn how to drive from the comfort of your Sunny Isles Beach home. Discover pre-existent and new Florida laws. Increase your drug and alcohol awareness and how it affects you as a driver, and so much more.'s First Time Driver Course is convenient, hassle-free, but most importantly, informational and will leave you ready and prepared to take your Miami-Dade County driver's license written exam in no time. So enroll today!
My DATA Course Is Complete
Simply complete your Stress Free DATA course and leave the rest to us! We will notify the Miami-Dade County Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles of your completion so that you won't have to. We will also send you confirmation of your completion via certificate to your Sunny Isles Beach address.
Required Car Premium For Miami-Dade County Drivers
$10,000 personal injury protection and $10,000 property damage liability is the basic minimum insurance coverage that any vehicle registered in Miami-Dade County must have before the vehicle is legally able to be driven on any road. This coverage must be provided by an insurance company licensed by the state of Florida who services Golden Glades, Aventura, Pembroke Pines, and Miami Shores. Failure to carry the minimum car insurance can lead to severe consequences.
Sunny Isles Beach Traffic Tickets: Don't Let Them Defeat You
Did you receive a ticket in any of the following cities: Golden Glades, Aventura, Pembroke Pines, and Miami Shores; and don't know what to do next? Simply enroll in our Stress Free traffic school program and be well on your way to having that ticket dismissed from your Miami-Dade County DHSMV driving record. Sunny Isles Beach motorists have been using our services for over 15 years and have found it to be the #1 trusted traffic school Florida has to offer.
- Official Traffic School Site at
- Go To TrafficSchool - Sunny Isles Beach - Miami-Dade County - Florida
- How Traffic School works in Miami-Dade County
Ways a Traffic Citation Can Affect Your Miami-Dade County Premium Rate
Moving violations result in points. Points result in increased automobile premium rates, or termination. No insurance results in a possible license suspension. No license results in no driving. Don't become a victim! When you attend our Stress Free traffic school, we will help Sunny Isles Beach drivers, such as yourself who have received a traffic ticket in Miami-Dade County dismiss the points from their DHSMV driving record. Some insurance companies may even grant you a generous discount off your current insurance rate when you successfully complete our Stress Free program.