Palmetto Bay DATA Class
- Proof of Completion Supplied to the FL DMV
- Miami-Dade County Hassle-Free Course
- Our Drug and Alcohol Course At Your Leisure
- Take Your Palmetto Bay TLSAE Lessons From Home

Complete Your Miami-Dade County Drivers Education 100% Online
Getting your learner's permit has never been so easy. Simply enroll in our Online First Time Drivers Course and be well on your way to accessing all course material and information you need to know in order to pass the permit exam, which can also be completed online as well. This course is perfect for anyone residing in Coral Gables, Glenvar Heights, Cutler, Pinecrest, Olympia Heights, and The Crossings or any teenager attending Palmer Trinity School, and Westminster Christian School. Upon successful completion of this program, you can then head over to your Miami-Dade County DHSMV where you will take your vision and hearing test.
Be Prepared!
Trouble studying for your Miami-Dade County written exam? Let us help! Study with an exam preparation course written by a former DHSMV Examiner. Yes, you've read correctly! Our material was created through experience. We also provide practice DHSMV exams for your convenience. Our Online Driver License Prep Course will without a doubt leave you prepared for your permit written exam or any other DHSMV test necessary to get your license.
Fully Approved by the Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicle
The First Time Driver Online Program and the Miami-Dade County Online Driver License Exam are both acknowledged and approved by the state of Florida, as well as by the Florida Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicle.

Get Your Learner's Permit: What You Need To Know
- Are you at least 15 years of age?
- Completed your Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education Course?
- Then simply, provide proof of identification, proof of date of birth, proof of residential address, and proof of social security number, as well as parental consent form if under 18
- Complete your written permit exam
- Pass a vision and hearing test
- Then, take your picture!
What the DATA Course Entails
A 4-hour course consisting of reading material, short quizzes, and a final exam. Our Online program was designed especially for first time drivers residing in Coral Gables, Glenvar Heights, Cutler, Pinecrest, Olympia Heights, and The Crossings needing to fulfill a D.A.T.A. course. You'll learn proper safety driving techniques, Miami-Dade County rules and regulations, drug and alcohol awareness and so much more within the 7 sections of reading material this program offers.
First Time Driver Program For Palmetto Bay Residents introduces a 4-hour Florida state approved First Time Driver's course for anyone looking to fulfill the requirements necessary to obtain your Florida's driver's license. We provide convenience. Our Online First Time Driver's course, also referred to as the D.A.T.A. program can be completed anywhere there is internet access, which means never leaving your Palmetto Bay home or office for class...ever! 100% online. Teens attending Palmer Trinity School, and Westminster Christian School are finding this course extremely helpful, but more importantly, educational as you'll learn that there's more involved to becoming a great driver, such as, rules, regulations, alcohol awareness and so much more. The D.A.T.A. program will leaved you well-prepared to take your Miami-Dade County written exam!
Car Insurance Requirements For Palmetto Bay, FL
Personal Injury Protection, also known as PIP, and Property Damage Liability, often referred to as PDL are two types of insurance coverage that must be obtained by any Palmetto Bay driver needing to register their vehicle in Miami-Dade County, Florida. At the very least, the minimum coverage, which is $10,000 for PIP and $10,000 for PDL must be obtained through an insurance company licensed by the Florida Department of Financial Services.
Remove Those Palmetto Bay Traffic Citations
For over 15 years, has proved to be Florida's #1 Online traffic school. We understand how traffic citations can eventually damage your driving record, so we've designed a course specifically for Palmetto Bay drivers to take that will lead to the dismissal of that ticket and a much more improved Miami-Dade County DHSMV driving record.
- Personal Refresher Class in Miami-Dade County
- How Traffic School works in Miami-Dade County
- Mature Driver Classes in Miami-Dade County
Did you know that a moving violation could terminate your automobile insurance? Failure to carry the minimum amount of personal injury protection and property damage liability could lead to the suspension of your Palmetto Bay driver's license, which can seriously affect your Miami-Dade County DHSMV driving record. Attending traffic school can help and we just so happen to be the best! Our Online Driver Improvement program was designed specifically for Coral Gables, Glenvar Heights, Cutler, Pinecrest, Olympia Heights, and The Crossings drivers who need to dismiss negative points from their driving history.