Opa-locka Driver's Ed
- FL DHSMV Authorized Permit Exam Also Available
- Never Leave Your Miami-Dade County Home
- Perfect Fit For Your Schedule
- Proof of Completion Supplied to the FL DMV

Completed the Course. Now What?
All you have to do is complete your Painless DATA course and then sit back, breathe easy and let us take care of the rest. We will automatically notify your Miami-Dade County DHSMV of your results, as well as provide you with a Certificate of Completion for your personal records.
Fulfilling Your Driver's Ed Course
So you've never had a regular driver license? All first time drivers in Hialeah Gardens, Gladeview, Norland, and Country Club Florida, regardless of age, must successfully complete a first time drivers program, better known as the Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education (TLSAE) course before taking the Opa-locka DHSMV written exam.
What Does a Drug and Alcohol Course Involve?
Did you know that traffic laws are constantly changing in Miami-Dade County, Florida? Or the effects that drugs and alcohol can have on your driving abilities? Well these are just a couple of questions answered within the 7 sections of reading material offered through our 4-hour Painless First Time Drivers Course. After each section, answer a short quiz and then lastly, you are ready to take the final exam. That's really all there is to the course Opa-locka first time drivers are raving about.

D.A.T.A., So What's It All About?
Maybe you've heard it called the Drug Alcohol Traffic Awareness program, or perhaps even referred to as the Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education course, however what you call it isn't the important part. Vast knowledge awaits in this Miami-Dade County approved course which will educate first time driver's on their responsibilities as a licensed driver, safety driving techniques, alcohol and drug awareness, among other topics you'll need to know in order to prepare for your Hialeah Gardens, Gladeview, Norland, and Country Club, Florida DHSMV driver's license written exam.
Painless Florida D.A.T.A. Course
A 4-hour D.A.T.A. course from the comfort of your own home? Now that's convenience at best! DriversEdDirect.com introduces the First Time Drivers Course to all first time drivers residing in Hialeah Gardens, Gladeview, Norland, and Country Club. This Painless course will prepare you for your Miami-Dade County driver's license exam. Not only will you leave the course a skilled driver, but you will also learn key issues concerning drugs and alcohol and the effects they have on driving. You will become educated on Florida laws and learn what it exactly means to be a responsible Opa-locka driver. Enroll today and be well on your way to getting on the road.
All You Need to Know Before Taking Your Opa-locka, FL Permit Test
Our Painless Driver License Prep Course is the only way to prepare for your DHSMV permit test. This course was specifically designed for first time drivers residing in Miami-Dade County Florida who need to pass the written exam with ease. We provide a detailed and structured course covering everything you need to know.
Miami-Dade County Traffic Tickets? Help Is On The Way
Dismissing tickets one by one! For over 15 years, our Painless traffic school has helped many Opa-locka motorists improve their Miami-Dade County DHSMV driving record by dismissing traffic tickets they may have accrued in cities like, Hialeah Gardens, Gladeview, Norland, and Country Club. Enroll with TrafficSchool.com, Florida's #1 trusted leading traffic school today!
- How Traffic School works in Miami-Dade County
- Opa-locka, Florida Traffic School
- Florida Traffic School Questions Answered
Car Insurance Requirements For Opa-locka, FL
Any vehicle with 4 or more wheels must be registered with the state by law. In order to complete this process, your vehicle must be insured by an insurance provider who is licensed by the Florida Department of Financial Services. The minimum insurance coverage for Miami-Dade County drivers is $10,000 in personal injury protection and $10,000 property damage liability. This is the very basic amount that your vehicle must contain in order to get registered in Opa-locka.
Traffic Tickets Can Be The Reason Your Opa-locka Insurance Rate Goes Up
Traffic tickets can seriously hurt your driving privileges. For instance, a moving violation in Miami-Dade County can affect your DHSMV driving record by the negative points you will accrue. Negative points on your record could lead to more expensive insurance coverage rates or none at all. Without at the very minimum, the basic personal injury protection and property damage liability insurance coverage, your Opa-locka license could be suspended. However, eligible drivers are offered the opportunity to take our Painless traffic school that is approved for Hialeah Gardens, Gladeview, Norland, and Country Club, which will dismiss points off your driving record.