Doral TLSAE Class
- Doral TLSAE Completed When You Like
- Complete Your DATA Requirement Fully Online
- Course Completion Automatically Reported
- Get Your First Doral, FL Driver's License

Proof of completion
Your Miami-Dade County DHSMV will instantly be notified of your completion after you finish the Low Priced D.A.T.A. program. You will also receive a copy of the certificate to keep in your file.
Miami-Dade County DHSMV Approved Course!
Not only do we provide you with the best TLSAE program that Doral has to offer, but our Online First Time Driver Course, as well as the Driver's License Written Exam that we include for your convenience, are both fully acknowledged and approved by the Miami-Dade County DHSMV.
What is D.A.T.A.?
Not just another First Time Driver Course. D.A.T.A., also known as the Drug Alcohol Traffic Awareness course is a program designed with Doral Academy Charter High School, Doral Performing Arts & Entertainment Academy, Ronald W. Reagan/Doral Senior High School, and Divine Savior Lutheran Academy in mind! A 4-hour course which will explore alcohol and drug awareness, as well as Florida laws, rules, regulations, your responsibilities as a driver, and so much more. With this Low Priced course you'll without a doubt receive the best DHSMV written exam preparation around. Not only will you be ready to ace your driving exam, but you'll feel comforted and confident enough to get on the road, because you received the best first time driver education around!

First Time Driver Program For Doral Residents
With, you can now complete your First Time Driver's course entirely online! Our Low Priced D.A.T.A. course is perfect for those on the go with little to no time at all, especially those busy teens attending Doral Academy Charter High School, Doral Performing Arts & Entertainment Academy, Ronald W. Reagan/Doral Senior High School, and Divine Savior Lutheran Academy with hectic schedules and extracurricular activities. Fully approved by your Miami-Dade County DMV and offered to anyone residing in the cities of Kendale Lakes, Miami Lakes, Tamiami, Gladeview, and Sunset, this program will provide you with all that you need to know to pass your Florida driver's license written exam. The best part, you never have to leave your Doral home or office, 100% online. Enroll Today!
A Low Priced D.A.T.A. Course For Doral Residents
With this Low Priced D.A.T.A. course, not only can you register online, complete all course material online, but we have even made it so that you can actually take your learner's permit exam online too! This means that the only time you'll ever have to leave the comfort of your Doral home or office is when you are ready to head down to your Miami-Dade County DHSMV to apply for your learner's permit and take your hearing and vision test.
What You Will Need To Get Your Doral Learner's Permit:
- Be at least 15 years of age
- Supply proof of completion of a Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education Course
- If under 18, a parent (or legal guardian) must sign a consent form in front of the examiner or a notary public.
- Provide proof: identification, date of birth, residential address, and social security number
- Pass a vision and hearing test (to pass, you must have 20/40 or better vision in each and both eyes, with or without corrective lenses)
- If you have not already taken your written exam online, then you must complete the 40 question DHSMV Test
- Get your picture taken
Receiving a moving violation in Miami-Dade County will cause points to be assessed to your Florida driving record. As a result, your insurance premiums may go up, or your coverage could be canceled altogether. Without PIP/PDL insurance coverage, the FL DHSMV can suspend your driving privileges. To keep those points off your record and your license intact, eligible drivers can take a traffic school course approved for Kendale Lakes, Miami Lakes, Tamiami, Gladeview, and Sunset. Also, some insurance companies will offer a discount to drivers that attend a Low Priced Driver Improvement or Mature Driver course.
Miami-Dade County Traffic Tickets? Help Is On The Way
Choose as your only option for traffic ticket dismissal. Doral drivers have used our services for over 15 years and we continue to provide the most convenient and inexpensive way for any Doral motorist who has received a traffic citation in the following cities: Kendale Lakes, Miami Lakes, Tamiami, Gladeview, and Sunset an opportunity to dismiss that ticket and improve their Miami-Dade County DHSMV driving record in the process. Now that's a steal!
- Traffic School for Doral Drivers
- How Traffic School works in Miami-Dade County
- Miami-Dade County Traffic School
Car Insurance Requirements For Doral, FL
Without car insurance coverage your vehicle is not protected from unfortunate circumstances that could arise. More importantly, a vehicle without insurance coverage is considered illegal once driven, by law. All Miami-Dade County drivers are required to carry insurance coverage, at least at the very minimum, which includes $10,000 in personal injury protection and $10,000 in property damage liability. This coverage can be provided by your local Doral insurance company as long as they are licensed by the Florida Department of Financial Services.