Cutler Bay First Time Driver Program
- Course Completion Automatically Reported
- Meet Your FL Learner's Permit Requirement!
- Take Your Cutler Bay TLSAE Lessons From Home
- Log On and Off as Many Times as You Need

DATA Course Breakdown
7 sections of reading material covering all aspects of driving, from your Miami-Dade County rules and regulations, your responsibilities as a Cutler Bay driver, the effects alcohol and drugs can have on your driving abilities and much more. Simply read through the DMV Approved course, answer short quizzes, and complete a final at the end.
Prepare. Then Succeed!
Preparing new drivers for their written permit exam, one by one. Our DMV Approved Driver License Prep Course is the number one study guide for first time drivers residing in Cutler Ridge, Richmond West, The Hammocks, South Miami, South Miami Heights, Palmetto Estates, Kendall, and Sunset. Our thoroughly constructed program not only encompasses what you need to know, but it gives you an idea of what will be on the exam, as this course was written by a former DHSMV Examiner. You can't beat that!
Getting A Learner's Permit in Florida
- Complete the Florida Approved D.A.T.A. (Drug Alcohol Traffic Awareness) course
- Supply proof of completion of a Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education Course
- Complete the Permit Written Exam . Must be 15 years old to do so. Parental consent form needed, if under 18
- Present one of the following forms of identification: Original Birth Certificate, valid U.S. passport, or Florida State ID card
- Present your original Social Security Card
- Pass a vision and hearing test
- Give a thumb print and Get your picture taken

We've Got Your Proof!
Simply complete your DMV Approved DATA course and leave the rest to us! We will notify the Miami-Dade County Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles of your completion so that you won't have to. We will also send you confirmation of your completion via certificate to your Cutler Bay address.
Looking For A TLSAE Program?
So you've never had a regular driver license? All first time drivers in Cutler Ridge, Richmond West, The Hammocks, South Miami, South Miami Heights, Palmetto Estates, Kendall, and Sunset Florida, regardless of age, must successfully complete a first time drivers program, better known as the Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education (TLSAE) course before taking the Cutler Bay DHSMV written exam.
Cutler Bay DMV Approved D.A.T.A. Program
Get educated on the rules of the road. Acquire proper safety driving techniques. Increase your awareness on Florida laws and responsibilities, all while learning about the effects and consequences that alcohol and drugs have on your ability to drive. Teens attending Madelin Montessori School, as well as people residing in the areas of Cutler Ridge, Richmond West, The Hammocks, South Miami, South Miami Heights, Palmetto Estates, Kendall, and Sunset, now have the opportunity of taking this DMV Approved 4-hour First Time Driver's course, which will help prepare you for your Florida driver's license. Not only is this course required by your Miami-Dade County DHSMV, but you can also complete this course from the comfort of your own Cutler Bay home or office. It really gets no better!
Stay Legal With The Proper Cutler Bay Automobile Insurance
The amount of automobile insurance that a driver must carry varies from state to state. For all vehicles registered in Miami-Dade County, Florida, the minimum premium is required by law. This includes an amount of $10,000 in personal injury protection and $10,000 in property damage liability, which can be obtained from your Cutler Bay insurance company, as long as they are a licensed provider with the state.
Don't let moving violations damage your Miami-Dade County Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles driving record! Our DMV Approved Basic Driver Improvement course can help with ticket dismissal so that you won't reap the consequences points can have, like an increase in insurance premium rates or cancellation, suspension of your Cutler Bay driver's license, as well as a fast-track to a poor driving history. Let our traffic school, which is specifically geared towards Cutler Ridge, Richmond West, The Hammocks, South Miami, South Miami Heights, Palmetto Estates, Kendall, and Sunset work for you!
Cutler Bay Traffic Tickets
The best way for Cutler Bay drivers to get rid of traffic tickets accrued in cities like Cutler Ridge, Richmond West, The Hammocks, South Miami, South Miami Heights, Palmetto Estates, Kendall, and Sunset is to enroll in traffic school. At, we have been servicing Miami-Dade County motorists by helping them dismiss traffic tickets in a convenient, inexpensive and timely manner for over 15 years. Don't let tickets ruin your DHSMV driving record. Choose the #1 DMV Approved traffic school in all of Florida.