Coral Gables Drug Alcohol Traffic Awareness
- Approved for all of Miami-Dade County
- Learn More, Spend Less
- Self-Paced & Flexible TLSAE for Miami-Dade County
- Miami-Dade County Internet Drug and Alcohol Course

My DATA Course Is Complete
So I've completed the DATA course, what's next? Upon successful completion of the Effortless DATA course, your information will be automatically sent over to the Miami-Dade County DHSMV. For your personal records, we will issue you a copy of your completion certificate.
Miami-Dade County First Time Driver Course
For teens attending Coral Gables Senior High School, International Studies Preparatory Academy, Merrick Educational Center, Learning Experience School, Our Lady of Fatima Academy, and Continental Academy, or first time drivers residing in South Miami, Coral Terrace, Glenvar Heights, Kendall, Westchester, Tamiami, Cutler, and Sweetwater, our Effortless 4-hour D.A.T.A. course is perfect for you! Learn how to drive from the comfort of your Coral Gables home. Discover pre-existent and new Florida laws. Increase your drug and alcohol awareness and how it affects you as a driver, and so much more.'s First Time Driver Course is convenient, hassle-free, but most importantly, informational and will leave you ready and prepared to take your Miami-Dade County driver's license written exam in no time. So enroll today!
Take Your Coral Gables Permit Test with Ease
What sets our Effortless Driver License Test Prep Course apart from all the others is simple: We've designed it with Coral Gables first time drivers, such as yourself in mind. Meaning, we understand that taking your permit exam can be quite worrisome for new drivers, so we have carefully constructed this course, covering everything you need to know in order to pass your written exam with ease!

Effortless Drug and Alcohol Class Outline
Our 4 hour Effortless DATA course consists of 7 sections of material covering such topics as how alcohol and other drugs affect your ability to drive, laws and responsibilities, safe driving techniques, and how to increase your awareness on our roadways. Read through the section material. Answer short quizzes about what you just read. Then take the final exam. Now you're ready to take your Coral Gables permit test.
The Best First Time Drivers Course Approved by the DHSMV!
Take a course that meets the state and Miami-Dade County Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles standards. Our TLSAE or Traffic Law & Substance Abuse Education course, as it is commonly referred to, along with the Online Written Exam are both authorized by the state. Convenient for Coral Gables Senior High School, International Studies Preparatory Academy, Merrick Educational Center, Learning Experience School, Our Lady of Fatima Academy, and Continental Academy teens.
Do You Have To Take Driver's Education?
The Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education course is a Miami-Dade County Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles requirement for anyone without a regular driver's license looking to obtain one. This course is a prerequisite to the actual Coral Gables driver's license written exam.
Coral Gables Traffic Tickets: Don't Let Them Defeat You
Dismissing tickets one by one! For over 15 years, our Effortless traffic school has helped many Coral Gables motorists improve their Miami-Dade County DHSMV driving record by dismissing traffic tickets they may have accrued in cities like, South Miami, Coral Terrace, Glenvar Heights, Kendall, Westchester, Tamiami, Cutler, and Sweetwater. Enroll with, Florida's #1 trusted leading traffic school today!
- How Traffic School works in Miami-Dade County
- Coral Gables, Florida Traffic School
- Go To TrafficSchool - Coral Gables - Miami-Dade County - Florida
Required Car Premium For Miami-Dade County Drivers
Personal Injury Protection, also known as PIP, and Property Damage Liability, often referred to as PDL are two types of insurance coverage that must be obtained by any Coral Gables driver needing to register their vehicle in Miami-Dade County, Florida. At the very least, the minimum coverage, which is $10,000 for PIP and $10,000 for PDL must be obtained through an insurance company licensed by the Florida Department of Financial Services.
Moving Violations & The Effect They Have On Your Miami-Dade County Insurance Rate
There are many benefits to attending traffic school. Here are just a few: 1.) Traffic ticket dismissal for drivers who have received a moving violation in the following cities: South Miami, Coral Terrace, Glenvar Heights, Kendall, Westchester, Tamiami, Cutler, and Sweetwater. 2.) An improved Miami-Dade County Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles driving record. 3.) A possible discount off your Coral Gables insurance rate and so much more. Without attending traffic school, your points can build up, resulting in increased premium rates, and/or license suspension. Our Effortless traffic school offers the best Driver Improvement course in all of Florida. Enroll today!