Aventura DATA Course
- Miami-Dade County 100% Homestudy Course
- Learn More, Spend Less
- Meet Your FL Learner's Permit Requirement!
- Ease & Flexibility at Your Fingertips

Fulfilling Your Driver's Ed Course
The Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education course is a Miami-Dade County Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles requirement for anyone without a regular driver's license looking to obtain one. This course is a prerequisite to the actual Aventura driver's license written exam.
Miami-Dade County Learner's Permit Requirements
- Complete the Florida Approved D.A.T.A. (Drug Alcohol Traffic Awareness) course
- Supply proof of completion of a Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education Course
- Complete the Permit Written Exam . Must be 15 years old to do so. Parental consent form needed, if under 18
- Present one of the following forms of identification: Original Birth Certificate, valid U.S. passport, or Florida State ID card
- Present your original Social Security Card
- Pass a vision and hearing test
- Give a thumb print and Get your picture taken
Take Your Aventura Permit Test with Ease
Our Easy Driver License Prep Course is the only way to prepare for your DHSMV permit test. This course was specifically designed for first time drivers residing in Miami-Dade County Florida who need to pass the written exam with ease. We provide a detailed and structured course covering everything you need to know.

Miami-Dade County DHSMV Approved Course!
Not only do we provide you with the best TLSAE program that Aventura has to offer, but our Online First Time Driver Course, as well as the Driver's License Written Exam that we include for your convenience, are both fully acknowledged and approved by the Miami-Dade County DHSMV.
The Proof Is In the Certificate
Once you complete the Easy D.A.T.A. course you are one step closer to getting your license. We will notify your Miami-Dade County DHSMV of your completion and send you a copy to the Aventura address on file for your personal records.
First Time Driver Course Layout
Teens attending Biscayne Academy, and Imacs Learning Center have found that enrolling in our 4-hour D.A.T.A. course has helped them prepare for their Aventura permit exam. Our Easy first time drivers course covers material ranging from safety driving techniques, rules of the road, and alcohol and drug awareness. Simply read through the 7 sections, complete the short quizzes and take the final at the end. That's all there is to it!
Miami-Dade County, FL Auto Insurance Requirements
To register a vehicle with 4 or more wheels in Miami-Dade County you must have the minimum auto insurance coverage of $10,000 personal injury protection, or PIP, and $10,000 property damage liability, or PDL. Minimum insurance coverage for North Miami, North Miami Beach, Miami Shores, Carol City, and Lake Lucerne must be provided by an insurance company licensed by the Florida Department of Financial Services. PIP/PDL insurance is required as long as your vehicle is licensed and registered with the state of Florida.
A Traffic Ticket Can Hurt Your Aventura Premium Rate
Letting negative points build up can cause much harm to your Miami-Dade County DHSMV driving record, which could lead to increased premium rates, or none at all. It could also lead to the suspension of your Aventura driver's license. Don't let this happen to you. Enroll in our Easy traffic school and improve your record in the process. Also, some insurers will allow drivers with negative points to attend a Driver Improvement or Mature Driver course, which TrafficSchool.com offers, to help keep insurance premiums low.
Dismiss Those Pesky Aventura Traffic Tickets
Dismissing tickets one by one! For over 15 years, our Easy traffic school has helped many Aventura motorists improve their Miami-Dade County DHSMV driving record by dismissing traffic tickets they may have accrued in cities like, North Miami, North Miami Beach, Miami Shores, Carol City, and Lake Lucerne. Enroll with TrafficSchool.com, Florida's #1 trusted leading traffic school today!