Leon County TLSAE Class
- Leon County Hassle-Free Course
- 100% Online Leon County TLSAE Course
- Ease & Flexibility at Your Fingertips
- Completion Sent to Leon County DMV

D.A.T.A.: A Convenient First Time Drivers Program
A 4-hour D.A.T.A. course from the comfort of your own home? Now that's convenience at best! DriversEdDirect.com introduces the First Time Drivers Course to all first time drivers residing in Callaway, Springfield, Lynn Haven, Panama City, and Lake City. This Convenient course will prepare you for your Leon County driver's license exam. Not only will you leave the course a skilled driver, but you will also learn key issues concerning drugs and alcohol and the effects they have on driving. You will become educated on Florida laws and learn what it exactly means to be a responsible Tallahassee driver. Enroll today and be well on your way to getting on the road.
What do you need to get a learner's permit in the state of Florida?
- Complete the Florida Approved D.A.T.A. (Drug Alcohol Traffic Awareness) course
- Supply proof of completion of a Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education Course
- Complete the Permit Written Exam . Must be 15 years old to do so. Parental consent form needed, if under 18
- Present one of the following forms of identification: Original Birth Certificate, valid U.S. passport, or Florida State ID card
- Present your original Social Security Card
- Pass a vision and hearing test
- Give a thumb print and Get your picture taken
Completed the Course. Now What?
So I've completed the DATA course, what's next? Upon successful completion of the Convenient DATA course, your information will be automatically sent over to the Leon County DHSMV. For your personal records, we will issue you a copy of your completion certificate.

A Convenient Drivers Education Course For Leon County Residents
Enrolling in this Convenient DATA course has never been so easy. Simply follow the registration process online. Access all of your course material online. Even take your learner's permit exam...you got it, ONLINE! Never leaving the comfort of your Tallahassee home or office. The only thing left to do, is to visit your Leon County DHSMV to apply for your permit, as well as take your hearing and vision test.
Who Needs to Take a TLSAE course?
So you've never had a regular driver license? All first time drivers in Callaway, Springfield, Lynn Haven, Panama City, and Lake City Florida, regardless of age, must successfully complete a first time drivers program, better known as the Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education (TLSAE) course before taking the Tallahassee DHSMV written exam.
So What Exactly Is DATA?
D.A.T.A., Drug Alcohol Traffic Awareness, but also referred to as the First time Driver's course is a 4-hour program designed to teach those wanting to obtain their driver's license in the cities of Callaway, Springfield, Lynn Haven, Panama City, and Lake City, the rules and regulations of the road, safety driving techniques, alcohol and substance abuse and the effect they have on your driving abilities, and more. This Convenient course is the perfect preparation for your driver's license written exam.
Got A Traffic Citation In Leon County?
Did you receive a ticket in any of the following cities: Callaway, Springfield, Lynn Haven, Panama City, and Lake City; and don't know what to do next? Simply enroll in our Convenient traffic school program and be well on your way to having that ticket dismissed from your Leon County DHSMV driving record. Tallahassee motorists have been using our services for over 15 years and have found it to be the #1 trusted traffic school Florida has to offer.
- Personal Refresher Class in Leon County
- Official Traffic School Site at TrafficSchool.com
- Traffic School for Tallahassee Drivers
Car Insurance Requirements For Tallahassee, FL
In order to legally drive a licensed and registered vehicle in Leon County, Florida, you must carry at the very least, the minimum amount of car insurance coverage, which is $10,000 personal injury protection (PIP) and $10,000 property damage liability (PDL). Anyone driving a vehicle in or around Callaway, Springfield, Lynn Haven, Panama City, and Lake City must contain this insurance from an insurance company that is licensed by the Florida Department of Financial Services.
A Traffic Ticket Can Hurt Your Tallahassee Premium Rate
With our Convenient Driver Improvement course, eligible drivers residing in Callaway, Springfield, Lynn Haven, Panama City, and Lake City can enroll in this program, which will help dismiss a moving violation that you may have received in Leon County, Florida. Moving violations not only adds points to your driving record, but it can seriously affect your car insurance, whether it be the cost or the termination of insurance altogether. Without insurance, your Tallahassee driver's license can be suspended and so much more. Don't let a minor moving violation become a major problem in your life.