Bonita Springs Drivers Ed in Florida
- Lee County Internet Drug and Alcohol Course
- Bonita Springs, Florida Approved
- Stress Free Program, 24/7 Access
- Completion Sent to Lee County DMV

Fulfilling Your Driver's Ed Course
Are you a first time driver and looking to receive your Bonita Springs driver's license but don't know where to begin? Well you've come to the right place. Our Stress Free Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education program is a required course, regardless of age, mandated by the Lee County DHSMV that must be completed by all first time drivers before taking the DHSMV written exam.
Lee County DHSMV Approved Course!
Our Stress Free course and exam meet the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles standards. Both our First Time Driver Internet Class and Florida Online Driver License Knowledge Exam are authorized by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV or DMV) to fulfill the requirements needed for your first Lee County Florida learner's permit.
First Time Driver Course Layout
The best 4-hour Stress Free First Time Drivers Course in all of Lee County covering everything you need to know in order to ace your Bonita Springs learner's permit exam. Seven sections of reading material including topics such as, safety driving, drug and alcohol awareness, rules and regulations. Upon successful completion of this course, you are then ready to take your DHSMV learner's permit test.

Proof of completion
Your Lee County DHSMV will instantly be notified of your completion after you finish the Stress Free D.A.T.A. program. You will also receive a copy of the certificate to keep in your file.
Stress Free Florida D.A.T.A. Course
A 4-hour D.A.T.A. course from the comfort of your own home? Now that's convenience at best! introduces the First Time Drivers Course to all first time drivers residing in Marco Island, Iona, Naples Park, Villas, Cape Coral, and Fort Myers Beach. This Stress Free course will prepare you for your Lee County driver's license exam. Not only will you leave the course a skilled driver, but you will also learn key issues concerning drugs and alcohol and the effects they have on driving. You will become educated on Florida laws and learn what it exactly means to be a responsible Bonita Springs driver. Enroll today and be well on your way to getting on the road.
A D.A.T.A. Course Specifically For Bonita Springs
You will never find another First Time Drivers Course like this one in all of Florida. Our Stress Free program was specifically designed for anyone residing in Marco Island, Iona, Naples Park, Villas, Cape Coral, and Fort Myers Beach that need to fulfill their learner's permit requirements. Everything you need, from course material to the actual written exam is all online. You'll never have to compromise your busy schedule or leave the comfort of your Bonita Springs home or office to complete our course. Once you're done, the only thing left to do is take a trip to your Lee County DHSMV office and take your hearing and vision test!
Letting negative points build up can cause much harm to your Lee County DHSMV driving record, which could lead to increased premium rates, or none at all. It could also lead to the suspension of your Bonita Springs driver's license. Don't let this happen to you. Enroll in our Stress Free traffic school and improve your record in the process. Also, some insurers will allow drivers with negative points to attend a Driver Improvement or Mature Driver course, which offers, to help keep insurance premiums low.
Car Insurance Requirements For Bonita Springs, FL
$10,000 personal injury protection and $10,000 property damage liability is the basic minimum insurance coverage that any vehicle registered in Lee County must have before the vehicle is legally able to be driven on any road. This coverage must be provided by an insurance company licensed by the state of Florida who services Marco Island, Iona, Naples Park, Villas, Cape Coral, and Fort Myers Beach. Failure to carry the minimum car insurance can lead to severe consequences.
Remove Those Bonita Springs Traffic Citations
Dismissing tickets one by one! For over 15 years, our Stress Free traffic school has helped many Bonita Springs motorists improve their Lee County DHSMV driving record by dismissing traffic tickets they may have accrued in cities like, Marco Island, Iona, Naples Park, Villas, Cape Coral, and Fort Myers Beach. Enroll with, Florida's #1 trusted leading traffic school today!