Trouble Free First Time Driver Program
- Collier County 100% Homestudy Course
- Straightforward, Easy to Follow Course Material
- Log On and Off as Many Times as You Need
- Live Support Team Here to Help You

Florida DHSMV Authorized Course
Take a course that meets the state and Collier County Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles standards. Our TLSAE or Traffic Law & Substance Abuse Education course, as it is commonly referred to, along with the Online Written Exam are both authorized by the state. Convenient for Marco Island Academy, and Winterberry Christian Academy teens.
Complete Your Collier County Drivers Education 100% Online
You will never find another First Time Drivers Course like this one in all of Florida. Our Trouble Free program was specifically designed for anyone residing in Villas, Iona, Immokalee, Boca Grande, Cape Coral, North Fort Myers, and Naples that need to fulfill their learner's permit requirements. Everything you need, from course material to the actual written exam is all online. You'll never have to compromise your busy schedule or leave the comfort of your Marco Island home or office to complete our course. Once you're done, the only thing left to do is take a trip to your Collier County DHSMV office and take your hearing and vision test!
Marco Island Trouble Free D.A.T.A. Program
A 4-hour D.A.T.A. course from the comfort of your own home? Now that's convenience at best! introduces the First Time Drivers Course to all first time drivers residing in Villas, Iona, Immokalee, Boca Grande, Cape Coral, North Fort Myers, and Naples. This Trouble Free course will prepare you for your Collier County driver's license exam. Not only will you leave the course a skilled driver, but you will also learn key issues concerning drugs and alcohol and the effects they have on driving. You will become educated on Florida laws and learn what it exactly means to be a responsible Marco Island driver. Enroll today and be well on your way to getting on the road.

Your Learner's Permit & The Necessary Steps It Takes To Get One
- You must enroll and successfully complete the Florida D.A.T.A. course
- Be at least 15 years of age
- Present proof of identification, proof of date of birth, proof of residential address, proof of social security number, and parental consent form if under the age of 18
- Pass your DHSMV written permit exam
- Pass a vision and hearing test. Give a thumb print. Take your picture
Completed the Course. Now What?
No need to report anything because we will automatically notify your Collier County DHSMV of your information upon successful completion. There is no certificate that you have to bring into the DHSMV, but we will mail you a copy of your completion certificate to your Marco Island address.
What Does a Drug and Alcohol Course Involve?
Did you know that traffic laws are constantly changing in Collier County, Florida? Or the effects that drugs and alcohol can have on your driving abilities? Well these are just a couple of questions answered within the 7 sections of reading material offered through our 4-hour Trouble Free First Time Drivers Course. After each section, answer a short quiz and then lastly, you are ready to take the final exam. That's really all there is to the course Marco Island first time drivers are raving about.
Get Help With Your Collier County Traffic Citations
Let's face it, attending traffic school is the last thing on your list, but you must do it. So, why not attend the best traffic school Marco Island has to offer. We provide a safe, inexpensive and convenient way to get rid of any ticket you've received in the following cities: Villas, Iona, Immokalee, Boca Grande, Cape Coral, North Fort Myers, and Naples. Not only have we been servicing Collier County for over 15 years, but we are approved by the Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles as well!
- Traffic School for Marco Island Drivers
- Florida Traffic School Questions Answered
- Collier County Traffic School
Don't let moving violations damage your Collier County Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles driving record! Our Trouble Free Basic Driver Improvement course can help with ticket dismissal so that you won't reap the consequences points can have, like an increase in insurance premium rates or cancellation, suspension of your Marco Island driver's license, as well as a fast-track to a poor driving history. Let our traffic school, which is specifically geared towards Villas, Iona, Immokalee, Boca Grande, Cape Coral, North Fort Myers, and Naples work for you!