Weston Driver's Ed
- 100% Online Broward County TLSAE Course
- Up-to-Date Broward County Driver Information
- Perfect Fit For Your Schedule
- Weston, Florida Approved

After Completion
Your Broward County DHSMV will instantly be notified of your completion after you finish the DHSMV Approved D.A.T.A. program. You will also receive a copy of the certificate to keep in your file.
Need To Fulfill Your TLSAE Course?
Are you a first time driver and looking to receive your Weston driver's license but don't know where to begin? Well you've come to the right place. Our DHSMV Approved Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education program is a required course, regardless of age, mandated by the Broward County DHSMV that must be completed by all first time drivers before taking the DHSMV written exam.
Broward County TLSAE Summary
Did you know that traffic laws are constantly changing in Broward County, Florida? Or the effects that drugs and alcohol can have on your driving abilities? Well these are just a couple of questions answered within the 7 sections of reading material offered through our 4-hour DHSMV Approved First Time Drivers Course. After each section, answer a short quiz and then lastly, you are ready to take the final exam. That's really all there is to the course Weston first time drivers are raving about.

Your Learner's Permit & The Necessary Steps It Takes To Get One
- Be at least 15 years of age
- Supply proof of completion of a Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education Course
- If under 18, a parent (or legal guardian) must sign a consent form in front of the examiner or a notary public.
- Provide proof: identification, date of birth, residential address, and social security number
- Pass a vision and hearing test (to pass, you must have 20/40 or better vision in each and both eyes, with or without corrective lenses)
- If you have not already taken your written exam online, then you must complete the 40 question DHSMV Test
- Get your picture taken
What Is DATA?
Maybe you've heard it called the Drug Alcohol Traffic Awareness program, or perhaps even referred to as the Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education course, however what you call it isn't the important part. Vast knowledge awaits in this Broward County approved course which will educate first time driver's on their responsibilities as a licensed driver, safety driving techniques, alcohol and drug awareness, among other topics you'll need to know in order to prepare for your County Club, Miami Lakes, Scott Lake, Miramar, Pembroke Pines, Tamarac, and Coral Springs, Florida DHSMV driver's license written exam.
Take Your Weston Permit Test with Ease
What sets our DHSMV Approved Driver License Test Prep Course apart from all the others is simple: We've designed it with Weston first time drivers, such as yourself in mind. Meaning, we understand that taking your permit exam can be quite worrisome for new drivers, so we have carefully constructed this course, covering everything you need to know in order to pass your written exam with ease!
Weston Driving Programs & More!
More than just another driver's ed...We give Broward County drivers 'Edutainment!' In addition to our DHSMV Approved driver's education course, you can find an array of fun stuff to get into, like our interactive lessons or the section we have for classic car enthusiasts. Check us out!
Received a Traffic Ticket In Weston?
The best way for Weston drivers to get rid of traffic tickets accrued in cities like County Club, Miami Lakes, Scott Lake, Miramar, Pembroke Pines, Tamarac, and Coral Springs is to enroll in traffic school. At TrafficSchool.com, we have been servicing Broward County motorists by helping them dismiss traffic tickets in a convenient, inexpensive and timely manner for over 15 years. Don't let tickets ruin your DHSMV driving record. Choose the #1 DHSMV Approved traffic school in all of Florida.
- Broward County Traffic School
- Traffic School for Weston Drivers
- Florida Traffic School Questions Answered
Traffic Tickets Can Determine The Cost of Your Weston Insurance Rate
Traffic tickets can seriously hurt your driving privileges. For instance, a moving violation in Broward County can affect your DHSMV driving record by the negative points you will accrue. Negative points on your record could lead to more expensive insurance coverage rates or none at all. Without at the very minimum, the basic personal injury protection and property damage liability insurance coverage, your Weston license could be suspended. However, eligible drivers are offered the opportunity to take our DHSMV Approved traffic school that is approved for County Club, Miami Lakes, Scott Lake, Miramar, Pembroke Pines, Tamarac, and Coral Springs, which will dismiss points off your driving record.