Low Cost Victorville Drivers Education
As if you didn't love our Educational driver education class enough already, now we are offering students in San Bernardino County a special online discount of $5 when they use discount promo code "drive555"! Now you can get the best online course in the Inland Empire for even less, only from Drivers Ed Direct!

Why Drivers Education on the Web?
The days of taking drivers ed in a Victorville High School classroom are all but extinct. For teens in the 21st century, drivers education is mostly conducted in a privatized classroom or by a DMV Approved course provider. In 2003, the DMV conducted a study and came to the conclusion that students taking online drivers education courses actually scored higher on their course exit exams than students learning the same information in a traditional drivers education classroom setting. These findings are not surprising; the average teen in the Inland Empire gravitates toward online mediums and are more captivated and interested in technology. Rather than tuning out in a boring traditional classroom setting, teens taking classes online are captivated by interactive tutorials that allow them to go at their own pace and to logout when they become tired.
Victorville Driver Education
Victorville Drivers Education can assist teenager drivers with their drivers education requirement if they live in the Inland Empire. Once the teenager driver completes the course, our offices are alerted and will process the certificate of completion on the next business day. As long as the teenager drivers is 15 1/2 years old and possesses the certificate, they can take their written test to receive their permit.

Who is Eligible for Online Drivers Ed?
If you are at least 15½ years of age, can pass a vision exam, and have completed drivers education, you will be eligible to take a provisional permit test at the DMV in Victorville. To fulfill the drivers ed requirement, you must complete a DMV approved course to earn a certificate of completion. You can start this course at any age, but remember you can not take the permit exam until you turn 15½. In San Bernardino County, most students begin drivers ed when they are 15 years old or older.

Educational Drivers Ed: Step By Step
Learning to drive can be challenging, but the process it takes to earn a driver license shouldn't be so complicated. If you are nearing your 16th birthday and live in San Bernardino County, these are the steps it takes to become a legally licensed driver in the state of California:
- Complete CA DMV approved drivers education (such as our Educational drivers ed program)
- Pass a written exam at a local DMV in the Inland Empire to earn a practice permit
- Complete drivers training with a DMV licensed driving school in San Bernardino County
- Pass your road exam at the DMV to earn a provisional drivers license.
Educational Drivers Ed in Victorville
Why take a break from the traditional drivers ed classroom? Because no San Bernardino County teen wants to spend 30 hours in a dark, packed classroom listening to Billy Bob lecturing about road rules and watching driving school videos from 1970. With Drivers Ed Direct's Educational driving school program, you are allowed to take your drivers education course when you want to and where you want to. If you can get online in Victorville, then you can complete our course with ease. All chapters are informational, engaging, and well organized. You're in total control and can complete the course at your own pace, login and out when you choose.
Not Going to High School in Victorville?
Learning to drive in California is finally convenient for everyone, no matter where you live. Whether living in a larger city like Victorville, or in a smaller city somewhere outside of the Inland Empire, high school students from any city in CA can easily fulfill their driver education requirement from the comfort of their own home. Our Educational course is approved by the Department of Motor Vehicles and can be taken by any teen, regardless of where they live in California.

Online Victorville DMV Help and Other Driving Resources

DrivingLinks.com is a great resource when you need anything related to driving. Whether you are looking for used cars in Victorville, insurance quotes in San Bernardino County, traffic school in the Inland Empire, or driving safety information for California, Florida, or any other state, DrivingLinks.com has you covered.
- Drivers License Questions for San Bernardino County Residents
- Traffic Schools in the Inland Empire
- Driving Games and Entertainment
Caught Speeding in the Inland Empire?
Don't let a traffic citation ruin your day or your driving record. Drivers cited for a one-point moving violation in San Bernardino County can attend an 8-hour traffic school to have their violation effectively removed from their official driving record. With TrafficSchool.com, the best traffic school in Victorville, you can complete your 8-hour traffic school requirement right from home without having to attend a boring traffic school or a painful to endure comedy traffic school.