Free Practice Written DMV Permit Tests
Nervous about your upcoming permit test at your local Gustine DMV office? Don't be! If you choose Drivers Ed Direct as your driving school (like hundreds of other teens in Mendocino County already have), you will be well prepared to succeed on your written exam. Reading your driving handbook and completing our On Line drivers ed class will prepare you well, but taking our sample CADMV practice tests online will give you even more test-day confidence. Take as many practice tests as you want, we don't mind and we won't charge you a penny extra! Guess that's why students at Gustine High School or Pioneer High School absolutely love our California licensed driving school.

Your Guide to Taking Drivers Ed in Gustine
Learning to drive can be challenging, but the process it takes to earn a driver license shouldn't be so complicated. If you are nearing your 16th birthday and live in Mendocino County, these are the steps it takes to become a legally licensed driver in the state of California:
- Complete CA DMV approved drivers education (such as our On Line drivers ed program)
- Pass a written exam at a local DMV in Northern California to earn a practice permit
- Complete drivers training with a DMV licensed driving school in Mendocino County
- Pass your road exam at the DMV to earn a provisional drivers license.
The Advantage of Taking Drivers Ed from Home in Gustine
The days of taking drivers ed in a Gustine High School classroom are all but extinct. For teens in the 21st century, drivers education is mostly conducted in a privatized classroom or by a DMV Approved course provider. In 2003, the DMV conducted a study and came to the conclusion that students taking online drivers education courses actually scored higher on their course exit exams than students learning the same information in a traditional drivers education classroom setting. These findings are not surprising; the average teen in Northern California gravitates toward online mediums and are more captivated and interested in technology. Rather than tuning out in a boring traditional classroom setting, teens taking classes online are captivated by interactive tutorials that allow them to go at their own pace and to logout when they become tired.

Cheap Drivers Ed
Besides being an effective educational resource, our On Line driver safety course is also a desirable drivers education alternative because it doesn't cost as much as the traditional classroom drivers ed. Instead of commuting to and from some out of the way driving school classroom in Mendocino County, stay right at your home in Gustine and take our online driver's ed course for less. Besides saving with our already low-priced, discounted online course; you'll save gas money, commuting time, and won't have to worry about dealing with traffic hassles. It's no wonder Drivers Ed Direct is quickly becoming the leading choice for Gustine High School or Pioneer High School teens.

Drivers Education Eligibility Requirements for Gustine Teens
If you are at least 15½ years of age, can pass a vision exam, and have completed drivers education, you will be eligible to take a provisional permit test at the DMV in Gustine. To fulfill the drivers ed requirement, you must complete a DMV approved course to earn a certificate of completion. You can start this course at any age, but remember you can not take the permit exam until you turn 15½. In Mendocino County, most students begin drivers ed when they are 15 years old or older.
Providing More than Just On Line Drivers Ed
Get more than just your average driver education experience when you select Drivers Ed Direct as your Gustine driving school. Browse our website for free resources that other driving school in Northern California just don't offer. We have an ongoing and update drivers education article database, online driving games, free DMV practice exams, web videos, and engaging programs like our highly touted Respect Reality Driving Campaign for Mendocino County Teens. See what the buzz is about and why we're not just another run-of-the-mill driving school.
Moving Outside of Northern California?
Not a resident of Gustine? Or maybe you are planning of moving outside of Mendocino County soon and don't want to start drivers ed because you're concerned you'll have to do it all over again when you move into you're new home in another city. With Drivers Ed Direct, you get a drivers ed course that is approved across the entire state of California, so even if you change residences or move across county lines, you won't have to worry about your drivers ed course being lost. Since we're 100% online, you can pick up online from your new home without any down time or loss of course credit. We are the most convenient drivers education provider in Northern California and beyond!
- Orange County Driving Schools
- Home Study Riverside Drivers Education Program
- Monterey Bay Area Drivers Education

Driving Resources for Gustine Motorists

No matter if you are a new driver or a seasoned road warrior, has the resources you need to make life on the road just a little bit easier. Learn traffic safety laws, enroll in Mendocino County defensive driving classes, play interactive driving games, locate the Gustine DMV, and download DMV forms... get it all online without having to leave your home.
- Drivers License Questions for Mendocino County Residents
- Driving Schools Located Throughout Northern California
- Traffic Schools in Northern California
Dismissing Mendocino County Court Tickets
It happens. You're driving down a road in Gustine and you lose track of your speedometer. You look in your review mirror and the unwelcome sight of sirens is flashing and a Mendocino County sheriff is beckoning you to pull over. 15 minutes later you are on your way with a traffic ticket in hand and your driving record ruined, right? Not necessarily! A single traffic ticket doesn't have to be the end of your status as a good driver. By completing the online defensive driving course, you can actually have the ticket dismissed from your record and your insurance company will never know you were cited... meaning your insurance rates will never increase!