Simple Drivers Ed in Colusa
When it comes to fulfilling your drivers education requirement in Colusa County, it doesn't get any easier than with Drivers Ed Direct's Simple driver's ed program. Our class is entirely online and can be completed entirely from the serenity and comfort of your own Colusa home. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the highest quality and most convenient course throughout the Central Valley.

So Much More than Simple Driver's Ed
Get more than just your average driver education experience when you select Drivers Ed Direct as your Colusa driving school. Browse our website for free resources that other driving school in the Central Valley just don't offer. We have an ongoing and update drivers education article database, online driving games, free DMV practice exams, web videos, and engaging programs like our highly touted Respect Reality Driving Campaign for Colusa County Teens. See what the buzz is about and why we're not just another run-of-the-mill driving school.
Low Cost Colusa Drivers Education
As if you didn't love our Simple driver education class enough already, now we are offering students in Colusa County a special online discount of $5 when they use discount promo code "drive555"! Now you can get the best online course in the Central Valley for even less, only from Drivers Ed Direct!

Why Drivers Education on the Web?
The days of taking drivers ed in a Colusa High School classroom are all but extinct. For teens in the 21st century, drivers education is mostly conducted in a privatized classroom or by a DMV Approved course provider. In 2003, the DMV conducted a study and came to the conclusion that students taking online drivers education courses actually scored higher on their course exit exams than students learning the same information in a traditional drivers education classroom setting. These findings are not surprising; the average teen in the Central Valley gravitates toward online mediums and are more captivated and interested in technology. Rather than tuning out in a boring traditional classroom setting, teens taking classes online are captivated by interactive tutorials that allow them to go at their own pace and to logout when they become tired.

Simple Drivers Education
Introducing a Colusa Drivers Education program that helps teens in Colusa County meet their California drivers education requirement without leaving home. With's online drivers ed class, students from Colusa Alternative Home, Colusa High School and Special Education can take our CADMV approved drivers ed class from any computer with internet access. Our course is high in quality, educational, and captivating. Students will learn important driving concepts through reading well organized chapters, completing interactive tutorials, passing quizzes, and taking a final exam. Our course also comes with unlimited practice DMV tests. If you want your son or daughter to be well educated before getting behind the wheel of a car, then our affordable online course is perfect for you.
Am I Eligible for Online Drivers Ed?
Who is eligible for Simple drivers ed? Any teen living in Colusa County, California. That's right, no matter where you live in the Central Valley, you can take our course. If you go to high school in Colusa Alternative Home, Colusa High School and Special Education, you are eligible. If you are a home school or home study student in Colusa, you can take our online course. Live in nearby cities like Williams, Cortena, Meridian, Sycamore, and West Butte? You can also take our internet drivers ed course to fulfill your California DMV driver education requirement.
Colusa County Teens: Find Everything Driving Related Online

Find a comprehensive collection of driving links and resources designed to make the driving life of the Central Valley residents easier and more efficient. Hop online to choose a traffic school for your Colusa County ticket or find a driving school in Colusa for your teen. You can also download DMV forms, play driving flash games, and read articles related to driving.
- Driving Games and Entertainment
- Colusa DMV - Vehicle Registration Resources
- Driving Schools Located Throughout the Central Valley

Not Going to High School in the Central Valley?
Looking for the leading driving school in Colusa, Williams, Cortena, Meridian, Sycamore, and West Butte? Look no further! is your complete Simple solution for fulfilling your drivers ed requirement. Even if you don't live in Colusa County, our drivers education is the best there is. The truth is, our online driver's education program is approved for all of California. No matter what county or city you call home, we can help you earn your practice permit the easy, online way.
Dismissing Colusa Court Tickets
It happens. You're driving down a road in Colusa and you lose track of your speedometer. You look in your review mirror and the unwelcome sight of sirens is flashing and a Colusa County sheriff is beckoning you to pull over. 15 minutes later you are on your way with a traffic ticket in hand and your driving record ruined, right? Not necessarily! A single traffic ticket doesn't have to be the end of your status as a good driver. By completing the online defensive driving course, you can actually have the ticket dismissed from your record and your insurance company will never know you were cited... meaning your insurance rates will never increase!