Who is Eligible for Online Drivers Ed?
If you are at least 15½ years of age, can pass a vision exam, and have completed drivers education, you will be eligible to take a provisional permit test at the DMV in Agoura Hills. To fulfill the drivers ed requirement, you must complete a DMV approved course to earn a certificate of completion. You can start this course at any age, but remember you can not take the permit exam until you turn 15½. In LA County, most students begin drivers ed when they are 15 years old or older.

LA County Drivers Ed - Priced Low - No Coupons Needed!
Besides being an effective educational resource, our Convenient driver safety course is also a desirable drivers education alternative because it doesn't cost as much as the traditional classroom drivers ed. Instead of commuting to and from some out of the way driving school classroom in LA County, stay right at your home in Agoura Hills and take our online driver's ed course for less. Besides saving with our already low-priced, discounted online course; you'll save gas money, commuting time, and won't have to worry about dealing with traffic hassles. It's no wonder Drivers Ed Direct is quickly becoming the leading choice for Agoura High School or The Alexandria Academy teens.
Why You Should Skip the Drivers Ed Classroom in Agoura Hills
A California DMV study concluded that students taking online or computer based drivers ed actually out perform students taking drivers ed in a traditional classroom setting when comparing exit exam scores. The advantages of an online drivers ed course are obvious:
- Today's Agoura Hills students naturally gravitate towards technology driven teaching methods, like the Internet
- Online classes allow students the ability to start and stop as their attention span changes, whereas in traditional driving school classrooms, students tend to zone out or sleep when they become bored
- Driver education online is more affordable for obvious reasons: low overhead, no books, no money spent on gas, etc.
- Online drivers ed is more convenient because you can do it right from your Agoura Hills home
More than Just Convenient Drivers Education
Drivers Ed Direct is your one stop shop for all things driving safety in Agoura Hills, California. That's right, we are not just another one of the numerous driving schools in LA County whose only concern is taking your money and then disappearing from the face of the earth. Rather, Drivers Ed Direct views your driver training experience as a life-long relationship based on developing good driving habits and re-education of our students as driving laws continually change and road rules evolve. We feel it is our duty, as a member of your Agoura Hills community, to teach students about the hazards and problems that our highways present. Learn more by exploring our Teen Driving Safety Portal "Respect Reality".

Agoura Hills Driving Lessons
Looking for a driving school in Southern California where your teenager will not have to share their driving time and 'piggy back' lessons with another students? Drivers Ed Direct offers private lessons to students of all ages. Whether you live, work, or play in Agoura Hills, Drivers Ed Direct can pick up and drop off in that location because of our wide coverage area. In fact, we strongly believe that you won't find a better driving school in Agoura Hills that can meet all of your needs. If you would like to learn how to , just ask and we will make sure our highly qualified instructors cover that request.
Highest Rated Driving School in Agoura Hills
Drivers Ed Direct gives you and your teen choices. You can request a lesson online or over the telephone. You can take your lessons in the morning, afternoon or evening. You can take your lessons in a Toyota Prius or a Hybrid SUV. You can choose between a male or a female instructor. If your teen lives Agoura Hills or attends Agoura High School or The Alexandria Academy, you can arrange a pick up from school and drop off at home. If you'd like your teen to , just ask. In fact, feel free to ask us any driving related question and we'll be happy to assist you.
Caught Speeding in Southern California?
It happens. You're driving down a road in Agoura Hills and you lose track of your speedometer. You look in your review mirror and the unwelcome sight of sirens is flashing and a LA County sheriff is beckoning you to pull over. 15 minutes later you are on your way with a traffic ticket in hand and your driving record ruined, right? Not necessarily! A single traffic ticket doesn't have to be the end of your status as a good driver. By completing the TrafficSchool.com online defensive driving course, you can actually have the ticket dismissed from your record and your insurance company will never know you were cited... meaning your insurance rates will never increase!
- Official Traffic School Site at TrafficSchool.com
- How Traffic School works in LA County
- Defensive Driving School for Agoura Hills Drivers

Online Agoura Hills DMV Help and Other Driving Resources

Did you know all of the things that can be accomplished right from the comfort of your own home in Agoura Hills? If you were ticketed in LA County, you can take traffic school online without having to go to a class or court. If you go to Agoura High School or The Alexandria Academy and need your learner permit, you can take drivers ed online. Need DMV forms? Why wait in line at the Agoura Hills DMV when you can down many forms over the internet. Do all this and more at DrivingLinks.com.
- Find Your Agoura Hills DMV Location
- California DMV Driving Records
- Agoura Hills Car, Truck, and Boat Insurance
Not Going to High School in Southern California?
Learning to drive in California is finally convenient for everyone, no matter where you live. Whether living in a larger city like Agoura Hills, or in a smaller city somewhere outside of Southern California, high school students from any city in CA can easily fulfill their driver education requirement from the comfort of their own home. Our Convenient course is approved by the Department of Motor Vehicles and can be taken by any teen, regardless of where they live in California.