Test your driving skill in this highly addicting, original Drivers Ed Direct parking game. Four levels of parking challenges and fun await driving game lovers of all ages!

Can You Park a Car Like the Pros?

Drivers Ed Driving Game Here's your chance to prove that you can! See how long it takes you to park one of our new, fully equipped drivers training vehicles - a Toyota Prius. The quicker you can park the driver training car the more game points you score. But scoring a fast time isn't the only objective of this drivers ed game. You'll also be judged on your ability to pull off the perfect parking job without damaging the driving school car. If you can park the car quickly without scratching the bumper, you're on your way to becoming a parking game pro!

So get in the Prius, fasten your seatbelt, and see if you can do a bang-up parking job - without banging up the car of course! This highly realistic driving game allows you to show your driving skills as your park your way through four challenging levels of different parking scenarios:

  • LEVEL 1: Parallel Parking
    See if you can squeeze the Prius into this tight curbside parking space between two cars. Don't forget to get your tires within 18 inches of the curb and whatever you do, don't hit the other parked cars ... the neighbors are watching!

  • LEVEL 2: Small One Way Street
    Here's the situation: You're in Beverly Hills on a busy busy shopping day and there's only one parking space left. One problem, the parking space is pretty tight. Are you a skilled enough driver to maneuver your car in there? I hope you have good car insurance though, because it looks like you're parking right next to a Beemer.

  • LEVEL 3: The Parking Nightmare
    Remember that time you were driving to the store and had to park your car or SUV in that itsty, bitsy, teeny, tiny parking lot? You know, the parking lot where you could barely park half of a bicycle, much less an entire car. Well, today's your lucky day because you get to park there again. Good luck... you'll need it.

  • LEVEL 4: I Should Have Walked
    Every once in a great while you find that parking lot where you just have to ask "Who in their right mind designed this parking lot... and why aren't they locked away?" This is that lot. As they say in New York, "If you can park it here, you can park it anywhere" - or something like that.

Drivers Ed Parking Games and Driving Games - just another perk from the best driving school, Drivers Ed Direct.

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